The 2 most important women in my life


This picture above was taken at the Istana when me & my parents and granny went to visit the then President –

Mr Wee Kim Wee

My granny passed away on Nov 27th 2013. Without any last words, she left us just like that while cooking dinner as usual on a normal Wednesday evening. Little does my grandpa knew what went through her mind during the last few minutes of her life in the kitchen as he was sitting in the living room.

My mom too, passed away as suddenly on Apr 10 2012. These 2 deaths have the biggest impact on my life. When I was young, I used to hang out with them every weekends. We would arranged to go to the then ‘Yaohan’ to shop and eat… and then granny will come over to our house for a friendly weekly mahjong session together with grandpa.

I remembered gran and mom used to cook together.. they would share wonderful recipes and cooked many delicious food for us all. They sewed together, go on short trips together, and chat on the phone daily sharing life tips and catch ups with each other. Thus, they grew very close to each other..

Even when mom couldn’t walk properly, she would still make her way to gran’s house and bring her for her monthly checkup. Even when mom is partially blind, she would still sewed and cooked for us. Even when gran can’t walk she would still wake up early in the morning and prepare coffee for my cousin. These are the efforts they put in which I will never forget

With their passing, they taught me an important life lesson – to live well with no regrets and to live strong despite difficulties. And never never take things/people around you for granted. They are the most resilient women I have ever met in this life. Faced with tough challenges, they would still fight on and braved the storm.

Now that is one very strong reason for me to badly complete the coming ironman and that is for you too, Gran (Ah Ma as I always called her) I will endure the pain come what may, grit through what I need to go through. This race is solely dedicated to both of you. You both are the most WONDERFUL women in my life and have taught me to become a strong woman like you too.

I pray that you both seek solace in each other’s company in God’s kingdom… till we meet again..

This song below is dedicated to the both of you..

Always remembering you…


Your daughter & Ah Ping (your grand daughter) xoxo

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