Time ..

As I age, I realise that life is getting shorter.. I fear that I do not have enough time to do the things I want to do. I fear that tomorrow I might not be able to wake up and see the sunrise. Which is why I tell myself that I have to live everyday to the fullest, as if it is my last. Do the things I want to do, say the words I want to say. And be with who I want to be. Because my dear friends out there, LIFE is very fragile.

I do not want to waste a single moment of it regretting what I did not do when I was alive. As I am typing this, I am in a sentimental/melodrama mood, with the soothing background music of Yiruma, I have many thoughts as I am typing this.. At this moment now, there are people working, people running, people shopping.. every minute, every second, someone is doing something.. and the clock is ticking.

I really fear I do not have enough time on this earth. I fear that I will lose my loved ones should I leave suddenly. Hence everyday repeatedly I will tell them that I love them. I want them to remember me well. As a person who could inspire them, or as a person who cares for them. I am thinking of you darling as I am typing this.. I hope we have a beautiful future together and eventually we can settle down together somewhere in the world before time runs out. I am afraid that I won’t have the time to do that because darling, I fear you won’t be able to accept my past. I am afraid but I will try my best just because I love you that much. Leaving you folks with my favourite song of the night….

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