The last 2 weeks before the Holy Grail

So I am into the final 2 weeks before the Holy Grail Ironman comes, I went to the bike shop to do my bike fit.. fitted my bike, adjustments were made and viola, suddenly I was ‘faster’ a little bit,  and definitely more ‘comfy’ although the crotch still hurts abit but I guess you can’t expect a cushion feeling whilst sitting on the saddle..Ken from the bike shop helped me to fix my bike into a TT bike arrangement so that I can be more comfy during my long ride. Thanks Ken! 

And so this is my bike with all the adjustments done (although you can’t see) but you got to feel it when riding.


I rode back home along the way to get use to the new positions and yep, I came back home safely in 1 piece 😀 

And bought this ‘Bento Box’ for my bike to store all my nutritions such as gels, chocs etc.. 


I can’t wait now for my weekly cycle session to ‘attack’ others, as if! Oh well, I’m happy to have a comfy ride that’s more important that anything else. Hopefully there’s nothing else to fix after this, I have invested enough for this race..zz 


Training gets intense

And so, today I attempted to swim non-stop for my 3.8km (1st leg of the ironman race) and I was so dead beat after swimming that.. whole body felt giddy and arms were like almost dropping off.. not to mention the excess chlorine and sun I absorbed.. 


But I must say at least I have did it and 1 item strike off my list. 1 more month to go for my ironman race, which I call it the motherhood of race. The ultimate, The One, The real test! Gosh, part of me wish I dont have to go through it, and part of me wish that I can get it over and done with! No matter what the outcome, I will strive to do my best and give it all I could. The rest is up to GOD. Yes I need mental strength too, to go through what not many will do. I hope by Lord’s grace he will see me through it. 

Ok I need to go now.. be back soon with some more updates 😛

I wish I wish

Been awhile since I wrote my blog, am lazy to login and organise my thoughts.. but yeah, I always love jotting down my thoughts so that I can ‘relook’ at my life at anytime I want if I pen these down before memories fade away.

Lately I have seen many people achieving their dreams whether big or small, and yes I have dreams too.. but have never quite come around to fulfil them 😦 so 2014 is the year for me, I hope that I will have ample time & finance to make my dream come true.. so you ask me, what are my dreams?

Well.. these are just some of them and maybe you will say, err..these are easily fulfil dreams, arent’ they? Well, to some yes, but to me not so as I have been juggling with many hats ..

1. Top on my list – To complete a full ironman in honor of my late mama.. I want to do this in memory of her.. as with all my other endurance race, I do it in the name of her. And she gives me the strength to complete it.. And yes I will be doing this in early Dec this year in Perth. I’m not sure if I can complete this grueling race but I will do my best and if my best cannot be done, then it’s God will. But at least I tried. 🙂

2. Visit Europe.. (yes for the scenery, and for the shopping perhaps)

3. To go to San Francisco. I been yearning to go there since young when I heard of the song by Scott MCKenzie.. I wanna wear some flowers in my hair and stroll along there..

4. To have someone who love me to death and spend the rest of my life with..

And yes, just those are my dreams.. I hope that over time, I will be able to make them come true as life is just short.. I hope and I wish… and so I leave you with this song 🙂

Go Tell Someone You Love Them


People fall through the cracks of our lives and fade into the background like the fuzzy grey screen at the end of the VHS when you fell asleep watching a movie as a kid. It rocks us to sleep, in a way, and lulls us into a sense of complacency. We just get used to them, and imagine that their existence in our life is something permanent, something we’re entitled to.

Sometimes we let voicemails from our relatives sit in our inboxes. We say, “Ahh, I’ll get to it later, I have things to do.” And you really think you’re going to get to it. But just like that tab on your browser that you put aside with intentions to attend to shortly, you eventually just forget. It goes almost unnoticed, a slight too small to really be angry about, but something that surely cuts in a small way.

A friend will call you and ask you if you want to hang out this weekend. And you make semi-serious plans, but things happen, and you don’t see each other. This can go on for months, a back-and-forth of not really doing things because you just know that you will have another chance to see them. They live just a few blocks away, after all.

But those few blocks become more damning than a thousand miles you have to take by plane. The distance is so small, so doable, that you imagine you’ll do it tomorrow. Then the next day. And the next. And you never cross it, you never make that trip, because it was just too easy to put off. And by the time you really think about making plans to go see them, they have moved.

Then we turn around and give this attention, this affection, this urgency of presence to the people who deserve it least. The people who withhold, who make us question our worth, who keep us on our toes. They are interesting and challenging and something we’re not sure about. All of these people over there — the ones who care about us deeply and will be there tomorrow — they can wait a few more days. You’ll spend weeks chasing after someone while the people who are standing by with cups of water go completely unnoticed.

One day, that voicemail from that relative becomes a memorial, something you listen to over and over again because you were too stupid to call them back when you had the chance. And you hate yourself just a little bit because of all the days you could have taken two minutes to ask them how their day was and you didn’t. You allowed all the days to wash over you and form a kind of numbing barrier to the fragility of all that we have. Everything seemed permanent, and nothing was.

Go tell someone that you love them. Go tell them that they are important, and that you are glad to be a part of their life. Make plans with them, and keep them. Hug them just a few seconds longer than we usually do when we see someone that we haven’t seen in a while, even if it feels weird at first. It’s not weird. It’s the best thing we can do to hold someone tight enough that there can be no doubt as to how much they matter in this world. Hug the ones who are there for you, who surround you so completely that you can sometimes forget they are keeping you warm.



A day of Triumph turns Sorrow

It was supposed to be a day of Happiness, personal best and achievements today for those participating in Boston Marathon 2013. Alas, it turned out to be a day of fear, sorrow, despair and tears for those who were hurt in the bomb blast near the finish line..

Being an avid marathoner and traveling around the world to run marathons, the next victim might be myself.. Life is just so short and unpredictable..while your loved ones are cheering you on and waiting patiently for you to cross the finishing line, a bomb just went BAM! It is REALLY SCARY! I cannot imagine the fear and the pain they went through.. Fear ran through their mind as they must be momentarily shocked, maybe they were hurt, maybe someone around them got hit.. it will take awhile before reality hits them to feel the chaos, pain and scream around them..

Now I wonder, how then would I have reacted? I am sure I will surely scream, yes for sure I will. And I will cry too, for the pain and the fear I felt. I do not EVER want such a thing to happen to anyone of us anywhere, especially when we all have our loved ones to go home to. I condemn terriorist acts (which is pretty much a cowardly act) I Pray that those who suffered during this incident will be stronger and May God Bless their souls and keep them comforted.

And now, I must repeat again that LIFE IS SHORT BUT ONCE, do what you wana do, learn what you wana learn, say I love you to who you wana say, because you never know when could be your last breath… “)



You Raised me up


This is dedicated for my late mom…

In another 4days time, it will be a year of my late mom’s death anniversary. As I looked back over the years, how she raised me up to be the woman I am now, I am grateful to her for giving me life and for giving me the chance to be who I am.. she was a woman whom despite all odds, worked hard to raise me holding 2 jobs to feed the family when I was much younger. She was always the solutions to my problems, even though she would chide me, I listened to her years of nagging, enjoyed the food she cooked for us, and yet being blind in 1 eye during her last few years, she picked herself up and carried on living strongly. And because of this, I vowed to be as strong as her, to be a better woman, to never give up despite facing challenages. My tears flowed as I watched her go before me, it was heart-retching seeing a loved one go.. and this memory will be forever in heart.. Her last words to me I could never remember, because she left so suddenly… but she left me with a lifetime of memories, endless life lessons and I know she will always watched me from up there. To my mother – I will see you again when its my turn .. ALWAYS.



What does TGIT means?
Its tks God its Thurs.. lols.. ok lame.

Well I love thurs because it means that Friday is just round ze corner! And my weekends are buzier than my weekdays! I cant wait to go cycling this Sunday..
Had a great lunch run with my friend Jo today.. the heat was immersely Hot but we made it.. was hoping that nobody stomp us! 2Crazy woman running in the hot afternoon heat!! But thats the joy of running.. you can do it anytime anywhere.. and since Im training for IMWA, Im pretty sure that Perth can get pretty hot year end! So yap… its good to run in the heat!



Thats the park connector we ran… peaceful but hot without any shelter.. we were both sweating profusely like a tap! One thing I am addicted to sports is the adrenaline rush it gives me each time I sweat.. its the feeling of feeling good and staying fit!

And my recovery food after run today are some berries and kiwi berries.. my fav!


Health fruits! Full of antioxodants! 🙂 I love them..

Aint it true?


I find the above oh so true!!! Haha Had a great 2km swim today during my lunch time.. tried to focus on my strokes and techniques.. need to improve my speed else I be swimming with fishes during my race hahah… my cebu half ironman is approaching and I need to work on my swim!! Yes from today onwards I need to workout daily.. at noon! Be discipline gal! One thing I like about swimming at noon is to work out a tan.. oh yes.. I hv a few tan lines now. Haha! Quite permanent I think.. ops. As Im typing this my office ac is off as there was a power Im so glad that I dont have class tonight!! Yippee! But there is tomorrow & Friday… oh well I will hang in there: ) xoxo

A Mother’s love

Its mid week and I didnt start mine very well this am. My company shuttle didnt come at the stipulated time and I was so pissed! Because I woke up on time to catch the bus in vain >_

And the journey from my hm to work plc took me an hour plus (yes I know some of you folks take much longer to travel but to me an hr + to & fro is long enough)

Last night I slept quite late since I reached hm late after class too.. Didnt have dinner except for a charcoal bun from Starbucks. PLUS I have so many chores to do!

So it brings me to think that being a mommy is not easy..from giving birth to taking care, running the hsehold and nuturing kids.. why? Because Im feeling what my late mom would feel too.. We woman have to do so much more in life.. giving birth is the greatest pain and we have to breastfeed. We have to provide a comfort zone to both our kids and our spouse.. when our kids are sick they look for us, when our spouse needs comfort they look for us.. but when we need comfort or some listening ears or help to do the hsechores.. who do it for is? Who is there for us? (Sorry Im not stereotyping guys but at least this is how it is in my situation)

Given that my marriage isnt successful, sometimes I wonder will there ever be a guy out there who is perfect to be who I want him to be.. not asking for the moon but maybe just abit of stars.. just maybe..

I was so tired last night and yet I have to complete hsechores on Top of my own stuffs.. see.. its aint easy Being A Woman! Yes, of cos it aint easy to be a man too but woman generally suffer more than guys.. since we are the weaker sex.. (OK enough of me ranting, gotta get back to work)

Tks for reading.. if u do “)


Who shall I be with?

Folks, hows your day? Mine was tired to the max! I was crazy working and attending night lessons after work… and the silly lecturer was talking non-stop about his company and his products that he exceeded the time of the lecture! You know when you are in class and you can’t wait for the bell to go off, yes thats the way I was feeling at THAT moment! ARRGH.. I couldnt wait to get out of the class.. hahaha… Ops.. 

Anyway, here’s something to share with you folks which I thought is so very true… I hope the person whom I care about reads this and knows how I feel 🙂 



During a seminar, a woman asked,” How do I know if I am with the right person?”
The author then noticed that there was a large man sitting next to her so he said, “It depends. Is that your partner?” In all seriousness, she answered “How do you know?” Let me answer this question because the chances are good that it’s weighing on your mind
replied the author. Here’s the answer.Every relationship has a cycle… In the beginning; yfall in love with your partner. You anticipate their calls,

want their touch, and like their idiosyncrasies. Falling in love wasn’t hard. In fact, it was a completely natural and spontaneous experience. You didn’t have to DO anything. That’s why it’s called “falling” in love.

People in love sometimes say, “I was swept of my feet.”Picture the expression. It implies that you were just standing there; doing nothing, and then something happened TO YOU.

Falling in love is a passive and spontaneous experience. But after a few months or years of being together, the euphoria of love fades. It’s a natural cycle of EVERY relationship.

Slowly but surely, phone calls become a bother (if they come at all), touch is not always welcome (when it happens), and your spouse’s idiosyncrasies, instead of being cute, drive you nuts. The symptoms of this stage vary with every relationship; you will notice a dramatic difference between the initial stage when you were in love and a much duller or even angry subsequent stage.

At this point, you and/or your partner might start asking, “Am I with the right person?” And as you reflect on the euphoria of the love you once had, you may begin to desire that experience with Someone else. This is when relationships breakdown.

The key to succeeding in a relationship is not finding the right person; it’s learning to love the person you found.
People blame their partners for their unhappiness and look outside for fulfillment. Extramarital fulfillment comes in all shapes and sizes.
Infidelity is the most common. But sometimes people turn to work, a hobby, friendship, excessive TV, or abusive substances. But the answer to this dilemma does NOT lie outside your relationship. It lies within it.

I’m not saying that you couldn’t fall in love with someone else. You could. And TEMPORARILY you’d feel better. But you’d be in the same situation a few years later.

Because (listen carefully to this):

The key to succeeding in a Relationship is not finding the right person; it’s learning to love the Person you found.
SUSTAINING love is not a passive or spontaneous experience. You have to work on it day in and day out. It takes time, effort, and energy. And most importantly, it demands WISDOM. You have to know
WHAT TO DO to make it work. Make no mistake about it.

Love is NOT a mystery. There are specific things you can do (with or without your partner), Just as there are physical laws Of the universe (such as gravity), there are also laws for relationships. If you know how to apply these laws, the results are predictable.

Love is therefore a “decision”. Not just a feeling.


Remember this always: God determines who walks into your life. It is up to you to decide who you let walk away, who you let stay, and who you refuse to let GO! ♥
